Ingredients for 2 large slices of pumpernickel

  • 250 gram smoked eel
  • 2 small carrots
  • 1 small leek
  • ½ bunch of parsley
  • 100 gram crème fraîche
  • 100 gram cream
  • 1 pack Gelatine Fix
  • Freshly ground pepper


1. Dice the carrots and the leek and cook for three minutes in hot water. Place aside to cool down.
2. Beat the crème fraîche. Stir in the cream and the Gelatine Fix.
3. Chop the parsley finely (place aside a little for garnishing). Add the carrots, leek and parsley to the cream. Spread the mass into a form lined with film and place in the fridge for three hours.
4. To serve, quarter the pumpernickel. Cut the terrine into equal sizes and place on the pumpernickel. Season with pepper and garnish with parsley.

Source: Susanne Brauer und www.kochmä