Ingredients for 4 slices of pumpernickel

  • 4 slices of pumpernickel
  • Cream cheese to spread on the slices of pumpernickel
  • 1 head of romaine lettuce
  • 300 gram maties
  • 1 mango
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 chilli pepper
  • ½ bunch of spring onions
  • ½ grated ginger
  • 2 tbsp. lime juice
  • pepper and sweet paprika powder according to taste


  1. Peel the mango and cut the flesh into small pieces. Wash the cucumber and halve it. Scratch out the seeds using a spoon and dice the cucumber. Cut the spring onions into rings (save a few pieces slices for garnishing) and mix everything in a bowl.
  2. Cut open the chilli pepper and remove the seeds. Finely chop a quarter of the chilli and sprinkle it over the mango.
  3. Season with ginger, pepper, sweet paprika powder and lime juice and leave for 2 hours to marinade.
  4. To serve, quarter the pumpernickel and spread with cream cheese. Place a leaf of lettuce on top. Cut the fish into bite-sized pieces and place on the lettuce. Then place the mango salsa onto the fish and garnish with spring onions.

Source: Susanne Brauer und www.kochmä